Venetia Tornado Anniversary Block Party: 5/17/25

The Event

Old Trail and Chadwick Estates and surrounding neighbors are planning a Tornado Anniversary Blockparty on Saturday May 17 from 1-4pm. We are also inviting our first responders, including Fire/EMS, Police, Public Works and Roofing Contractors. Plans include Food Trucks, Entertainment and activities for our youth. We are seeking help with this event.

The Blockparty will take place on Hedgerow cul de sac to the entrance to Longleaf.


Jeff Messerly 335 Hedgerow 412-389-0311

Brandy Sauter 724-328-1377

Jamie Kubina 724-880-7364

Can you help get a food truck, beverage truck, co-sponsor the DJ or provide games and activities?

Suggestions are encouraged and welcome!